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Friends of Smart

We believe that great transportation choices are a foundation for healthy, connected communities.

You can’t get ahead if you can’t get around, and both are getting harder than ever in California.

If we are going to redress inequities and reduce climate emissions, we need to make more efficient use of our transportation dollars, stop wasting billions on highway expansions, and prioritize projects that foster safety, sustainability, and equity.

This has been the core of our work for more than 20 years, from originating the first Safe Routes to Transit program in the country, to advocating for Bus Rapid Transit, to helping win tens of billions of dollars in transportation investment.

Key Funding Measures

Advocating to shape and pass ballot measures that move tranpsortation in the right direction.


State Legislation and Funding

Championing policies that improve transit, make streets safer, and strengthen communities.


Transportation Equity Summit

Bringing together advocates from across California to learn, connect, strategize, and win change. 


Optmizing our Highways

Proving how efficient use of existing roads and new technologies can reduce traffic and increase sustainable transportation choices on our highways.


Keeping BART on Track

Making sure BART is safe, reliable, and affordable for the long term.




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