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Friends of Smart

Save the Beach Train! Friends of SMART supports preserving the Felton to Santa Cruz Line

Friends of SMART stands squarely behind the efforts of Roaring Camp Railroads, urging people to Vote No on abandoning the Felton Branch Line in Santa Cruz.

In a dastardly move and behind closed doors, the Regional Transportation Commission will be voting on Forced Abandonment of the Felton to Santa Cruz line on the agenda for 2/3/22.

Removing rail service is a big mistake and limits Santa Cruz County’s transportation options. Let's protect the Felton Branch Line.

Preserving the tracks for the future is the right thing to do for the County’s economy, businesses and tourism industry. Light rail is a smart solution to the County’s traffic problems and a huge win for the environment. Freight-by-rail is a less expensive greener option versus trucking.



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