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Friends of Smart

Friends of SMART welcome Eddy Cummins as the new SMART General Manager!

The Friends of SMART would like to formally welcome Mr. Eddy Cumins as the newly installed General Manager of the Sonoma Marin Area Rapid Transit (SMART) railroad system. Mr. Cumins brings to SMART an extensive portfolio of railroad management experience as SMART continues on its pathway to rebuild its rail line into areas of the region which were once well served by rail.

SMART has already over 2 million passengers and is on its way to reaching the 2.5 million passenger mark. It is important to note that SMART is unique in having attained a milestone achievement in US rail safety by being one of the first if not the first railroad to have implemented the Federally mandated Positive Train Control system throughout its system including also having the system implemented on its freight locomotive.

Friends of Smart look forward to maintaining a close relationship with Mr. Cumins and his Staff as we move forward together to further build out a renewed rail service to the North Bay region and providing a low CO2 transportation alternative.



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