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Friends of SMART Donation Request

Friends of Smart

March, 2023

Jack Swearengen, Chair * Dani Sheehan-Meyer, Treasurer

Friends of SMART

Dear Friends,

As our favorite train moves onward into the future, Friends of SMART continues to advocate for the merits, challenges, and ultimately the survival of the 70 miles of track and pathway designated as the Sonoma Marin Area Transit corridor. As a volunteer organization under the umbrella of our 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor, Sonoma County Tomorrow, we are growing. With that growth, we incur expenses for our website, our online email platforms, and our Facebook advocacy, all of which are designed to encourage conversation and to share information about the SMART train and other local, related issues.

We currently fund these efforts through the personal donations of our most active members, but this is not sufficient, limiting our growth as an organization.

You can help Friends of SMART overcome this limitation.

Would you consider becoming a member of the Friends of SMART?

Your donation would help ensure the continuation of our work in our communities. Your support will help us continue to grow our outreach and communication channels. You can help make the Friends of SMART the go-to source of information for the voting public, which will be crucial to SMART’s future.

We would sincerely welcome your support!

Donations are tax deductible. Please make checks payable to “Sonoma County Tomorrow” with memo notation “Friends of SMART.” (Currently, we can only accept checks.) Sonoma County Tomorrow is our 501(c)(3) umbrella organization.

Tax ID: 94-3019165

With warm regards,

Jack & Dani

Friends of SMART

7790 Welter Lane Sebastopol, CA 95472




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